Radical Conversations
According to a 2009 study conducted by the Pew Research Center, about one in four people on the planet is Muslim. It’s time we learn to share the most important aspect of our lives — our faith — with one another in a way that is honoring, loving, and fruitful.
This video is a recording of Sura Al-Fatiha 1:1-7 from the Qur’an, in which the single and central prayer request is “God, guide us to the straight path.” These are some of the most well-known and oft-recited verses in the Qur’an, and we believe it’s time to come together and radically transform the conversation about God’s Straight Path.

Jesus and the Qur’an
Does the idea of having a conversation about Jesus with your Muslim neighbor make you nervous? How do we get past the unnecessary stumbling blocks and misconceptions we might have and focus the conversation on Jesus?
Jesus and the Qur’an will invite you, through an examination on the teachings of Jesus, to reconsider the message of Good News. It will challenge you, through interactive exercises and training, to enhance your understanding of a Muslim perspective on the world. And, it will encourage you, through stories of lessons learned from personal experiences, to begin respectful, engaging dialog with your Muslim neighbors — next door, across town, or overseas.

Muslim Followers of Christ
This video contains the fascinating testimony of two Muslims who follow Jesus.
For more information, check out the Christianity Today International and the Lausanne Movement jointly published special series called ‘The Global Conversation’
Lead Article: Muslim Followers of Jesus? by Joseph Cumming
Response: God is Doing Something New by John Travis
Response: A Muslim Follower of Jesus by Mazhar Mallouhi

What a Difference a Paradigm Shift Makes

How Can We Talk about the Mystery of God’s Nature?
It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.
C.S. Lewis
Speaking of Jesus by Carl Medearis
ISBN 1434702103
Reminder of the heart of the matter: Jesus
The Unshakable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person by E. Stanley Jones
ISBN 0-9645858-4-7
Understanding the Kingdom of God as Jesus preached it
Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale
ISBN 141854728X
True stories of amazing changes taking place everywhere
A Muslim Heart by Ed Hoskins
ISBN 0-9672480-6-X
Hints for ministering to the Muslim heart
Building Bridges by Fouad Elias Accad
ISBN 0-89109-795-3
Building bridges for sharing Christ with Muslims
Muslims, Christians, and Jesus by Carl Medearis
ISBN 978-0-7642-0567-5
Intro to Islam and how to reach out in love to Muslims
Honor and Shame by Roland Muller
ISBN 0738843164
Introduces honor, shame, and fear-based cultures
The Many Faces of Islam by Nabeel Jabbour
ISBN 1-58926-058-9
An overview of Islam
The Crescent through the Eyes of the Cross by Nabeel Jabbour
ISBN 978-1-60006-195-0
Toward understanding the mindset of Muslims
Arabs in the Shadow of Ishmael by Tony Maalouf
ISBN 0-8254-3184-0
Biblical promises for Ishmael
Whose Promised Land? by Colin Chapman
ISBN 0-85648-956-5
Biblical and modern treatment of the Palestine-Israel issue
The Koran (translated by N.J. Dawood)
Penguin, ISBN 0-14-044-052-6
The Holy Injil (Matthew) by International Bible Society
A translation comprehensible to Muslims
Miniskirts, Mothers, and Muslims by Christine Mallouhi
ISBN 1854246623
Hints for women ministering to Muslim women
A Deadly Misunderstanding by Mark Siljander
ISBN 0997625309
Jesus as the key to building bridges with Muslims
Waging Peace on Islam by Christine Mallouhi
ISBN 0830823042
Hints for peacefully ministering to Muslims
30 Days Prayer Focus (yearly) available through WorldChristian.com
Useful for personal or church prayer focus
Understanding the Koran by Mateen Elass
ISBN 0-310-24812-4
A basic primer
Blessed Feast by Suleyman Romain
ISBN 793573710765
Good News for Muslims in a way that can be understood
The Gospel of the Kingdom by George Eldon Ladd
ISBN 0-8028-1280-5
Practical study of the Kingdom, based on key Bible passages
Pilgrims of Christ on the M’s Road by Paul-Gordon Chandler
ISBN 074256603X
Examples of sharing the Good News from life of a Syrian novelist